Exercise to Lose Weight

Here are some exercise tips to guide you as you exercise to lose weight.

Exercise to Lose Weight and Keep It Off
Exercise is necessary for weight maintenance. You can lose weight by reducing calorie intake, but to keep the weight off in the long run, you must be physically active. If you are losing weight, exercise is key so you don't lose muscle mass.
The best way to lose weight is to implement an increase in exercise and reduction in calorie consumption. Moderate intensity exercise for long durations burns fat storage.
Try to include some type of physical activity throughout your day. Avoid having a sedentary lifestyle.

Start Slow
Here are some exercise tips to guide you as you exercise to lose weight.

If you are just beginning to exercise to lose weight, check first with your doctor to be cleared for physical activity.
This exercise tip of starting slow will decrease your risk of injury and help to keep you motivated. If you do too much at first, you are more likely to feel that you cannot keep up with your exercise routine, and give up on it altogether.
You can begin by exercising 10-15 minutes at a time and know your limits. The experts recommend a certain amount of physical activity a week. But activities such as gardening, heavy housecleaning, playing sports, actively playing with your children, all count as exercise.

How Much and How Often?
Experts suggest 30 minutes of exercise several days of the week, totaling2.5 hours of physical activity per week. In addition, stretching (such as yoga) and weight training should be included in your routine 2-3 times per week.

You can also do 10 minutes of exercise at at time, and strive for a total of 30 minutes by the end of the day.

Try not to succumb to the "all or nothing" attitude. Maybe right now you could only fit in a small amount of exerise into your schedule. Well, something is better than nothing. As your life/schedule changes, you can increase the frequency and duration of your exercise routine.

Exercises To Include

Warming up, Cooling Down and Stretching
Warming up and cooling down are important as they reduce risk of injuries, aches and pains. Warming up gets your heart pumping and blood flowing. Stretching is beneficial as it increases flexibility.

Cardiovascular Training (aerobic exercise)
Includes walking, jogging, biking and aerobics. Your heart rate is increased for a consistent period of time.
Keep in mind that although you will be out of breath, make sure you can still talk as you exericse. If it is too difficult to talk at all, you may be over doing it-so slow down!

Anaerobic Exercise
This includes strengthening your muscles by lifting weights, using resistance bands, doing push-ups and sit-ups.
The suggestions from the experts are definitely worth striving for. But if you can't get there right now, adapt a program that will work for you at this point in your life. 

Get Motivated
Try to just get moving--to do some sort of physical activity. Make it your goal to get over the hump. Once it becomes a habit, it will be easier. But in the beginning you will need a lot of self-determination.
Here is one of my personal exercise tips: when I struggle with motivation, I just put the exercise DVD in and try not to even think about it. I just start moving! If I think about it too much, I will find excuses why I can't do it at that time, and then never get back to it!

Eventually it will become a habit and a part of your lifestyle. As time goes on, increase the amount of exercise you do. Schedule it in each week, or have set time that you do it.
When life happens (and it will!), and you can't exercise as much as you would like, try not to let the gaps become too large. Don't give up on it. The longer you stay away from exercise, the harder it is to get it back into your schedule.

Vary Your Routine

As you begin to exercise to lose weight, varying your routine will help you avoid boredom and challenge your muscles. Some of the home workout videos come with options where you could customize your routine.
If you join a gym, you could alternate the classes you attend and the machines you use.
If you are choosing outdoor activities, you could alternate walking, jogging, sprinting, biking and swimming.
Other ideas are to incorporate jumping rope, jumping jacks, squats, and lunges.

Don't Jeopardize Your Goal
After exercising, you may experience a spike in hunger. If you decide to exercise to lose weight, be careful not to cancel out the calories you burned-- by eating more than you should.

Also, don't tell yourself that since you exercised and worked hard, that you deserve a treat!

Your real "treat" will come when you attain your weight loss goal and you are toned and healthier! Be patient and remain determined.

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