Exercise Benefits

This article discusses exercise benefits, including weight loss, physical, psychological and mental factors.

Now, you may have heard the argument that it is easier to cut calories out of your diet than to burn them off with exercise. For example, some say it is easier to reduce calorie intake by 500 calories, than to burn 500 calories by exercising that day.

However, my experience was that when I exercised, I saw the weight come off easier and quicker.

Exercise combined with healthy eating is the best way to control weight. In addition to fat loss, muscles become toned. Muscles also burn more calories than fat cells and strength training could boost your metabolism.
Something to keep in mind is that once you have been exercising and weight training for a while, you will notice that you have built up body muscle. This muscle weighs more than fat. When you weigh yourself, the scale may not reflect weight loss.

However, do not be discouraged. You have lost fat and are healthier. Feeling good about how you look is more important than focusing on the numbers on the scale (this is definitely easier to say than do!!).

But it does make sense. As long as we have improved our life by eating right and exercising, and our clothes fit well, the numbers on the scale shouldn’t matter as much. Plus, we are the only ones who see those numbers anyway!

 So, if you are just beginning an exercise program, remember to first check with your physician and to start slow. The most favorable scenario is when physical activity is incorporated into your lifestyle. You will reap more of the benefits if your activity level remains consistent.

Exercise also improves quality of sleep, and increases endurance and energy levels. Recent studies show that exercise could improve memory, learning, and concentration.

Here are additional exercise benefits:

  • helps to stabilize blood pressure, decreases risk of heart attack, stroke, and even some cancers.
  • reduces risk of arthritis and enhances your immune system.
  • prevents type 2 diabetes.
  • reduces risk of osteoporosis (bone loss).
  • reduces risk of arthritis.
  • helps our bodies become better at handling stress. The need to releasecortisol , which is a steroid hormone released under stress, decreases if you exercise regularly.
  • reduces feelings of depression and anxiety by increasing certain chemicals in our brain (serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine).
  • can lead to a positive self-image, which increases self-esteem.

So there it is! Any way you cut it, it is definitely better to exercise than to lead a sedentary lifestyle. Do your best to fit it into your schedule and be healthier!
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