5 Tips that will help you Achieve Your Weight Loss Goal
If you’re not a gym rat or don’t enjoy exercise of any kind try something fun or different to help achieve your weight loss goal, like flying a kite, playing Frisbee with friends, or power walking for 15-20 minutes during lunch – it’s fast, it’s free and it’s over before you know it!
Fit something in 3 or 4 days a week for at least 15 minutes. And if you have a workout buddy you’ll be more likely to keep doing it. Time to sign up your fiancĂ© for dance lessons!

Did you forget about the cream cheese on your bagel this morning? Or the chocolate chip cookie you snagged during the afternoon meeting? All of those forgotten calories can add up! Write it down, or if you can’t do that take a quick snapshot with your phone and at the end of the day add them to your list. You’ll be surprised at how many extra calories you’ve consumed. And at the next business meeting opt for fruit instead.
Drink Water!
Drinking water hydrates you, fills you up, and according to studies can help you lose weight. One study showed that people lost weight more quickly when they drank 2 glasses of water a half-hour before eating, and also consumer 75 fewer calories. So buy yourself a cool new water bottle, stainless steel bottles are a safe alternative to plastic, and bottoms up!
Relax and Enjoy Your Food
Embrace eating slowly in your quest to lose weight for your wedding. Take your time when you sit down to a meal, eat slower, take smaller bites, chew each bite slower, relax and enjoy! Your brain and your stomach are on different timelines, and it can take 20 or 30 minutes for your brain to recognize that your stomach is actually full.
Start by Eating Breakfast
Breakfast literally means to break the fast. And according to studies breakfast eaters generally consume more daily calories yet are less likely to be overweight.” If you’re new to the breakfast routine start with foods you like and keep your portions small to adjust. You can also whip up a smoothie in short order and take it with you.